Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Two weeks ago this was the sad sight in our front yard our very old ride-on broken down AGAIN, so dh made the big decision of putting the poor old thing out to pasture(round the back of the shed hopefully to go to the tip) And buying a new one with a key in my favourite colour so I can use it..... ha ha, well maybe if I have time......
Because on the same day I bought myself a gorgeous new red iron and ironing board... a Sunbeam and Heart Foundation promotion... great minds think a like??? Of course I have been ironing everything in sight... amazing what the right colour can do....
So after all that I have managed to pin my angels onto my Clover design sheet.... they look so good.... and I have cut all the squares to put it all together...


Stina Blomgren said...

Great purchases..but I have to say I like your Ironing stuf better than the ride-on...sorry to your DH...;o)
Your Angels are looking soo gooood!!!
Good luck with the squares!!

Amanda said...

Very few people in the UK have enough grass to need a ride-on mower. So often a motorised mower has got you to the end of the garden before you have time to breathe! Loooove the ironing board and iron - I must keep my eyes open for something a bit more cheerful.

Christine said...

Your angels are looking good. Love your new iron .... makes my old thing look very ordinary!