Thursday, October 23, 2008

This was my morning view of my garden this morning ......a couple of my beautiful trees.... Liquidamber in front and my gorgeous Crabapple... its my favourite..... and that black thing on the side is the wheel of the vintage.....past its use-by ride on mower.... soon to be sent to mower heaven..... or worse.... according to its owner and more lol!! It is forever breaking down in the middle of mowing....
This is what I found in the cupboard a teddy bear you think.. maybe not just any bear though......stay tuned......


Amanda said...

Lucky you, spring's such a wonderful time of year. We're just heading into our gloomiest, winter. I love the teddy in your heading too.

Anonymous said...

I am so envious of your lovely trees. I would love to have a crab apple tree, but my garden battles strong coastal wind and the last one I planted just frizzled up. Enjoy the blossoms!